Friday, November 16, 2007

it's friday night!! and what am i doing?? well, my big plans are to watch gilmour girls while doing the dishes (yes, multitasking is my specialty).

i walked home from school by myself for the first time tonight. it made me realize how wonderful it is to have lizzy here. every day for the last 3 weeks she has waited around during my last class so we can walk home together. (only tonight she needed to get back asap because her brother was going to be online). it's a little sad walking home alone and unlocking the door to a dark, empty (of people, that is) apartment. but just think how many people come home to that everyday! when lizzy and i are on the subway (which is quite often, considering it's our only mode of transportation), we're usually some of the only people in the car who are traveling together. there may be millions of people around, but it's a lonely world. once again, thank God for elizabeth.


marthanell said...

So good to get your "blog". Hope all going well at schoold. Did you and "Lizzy" make it to Cosco on Thurs. as planned, Gramma Marthanell

Matt N. Lundquist said...

Great blog, Amanda.
You write well and I can picture you there as I read it.
- Dad