Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the europe chronicles -prague 3, poorer and wiser

so, as you've heard, we had a bit of a mishap here in prague this morning with elizabeth's purse (with passport, 1000 euros, credit cards, camera, ipod, etc.) being stolen. we spent the day going to police stations, getting sent to other police stations, finding the US embassy only to find it closed, hanging out in a police station waiting room for hours along with everyone else who got mugged in prague today. it was a bit of a damper day, compared to what we were planning on doing -exploring the jewish quarter. but plans change. at this point, we're planning on going on with the trip, we'll just have half the budget we planned on. so we'll see how that goes. our biggest worries are paris and london and the rest of england where it will be more expensive for lodging. other than that, we'll cut out more expensive tours and live on oatmeal and spaghetti. ha. thank you for your prayers! lots of reminders that we are not the ones in control...and life goes on without pictures of prague (both our cameras were stolen and we hadn't downloaded the pics off them yet).


Matt N. Lundquist said...

you are so flexible, resilient, teachable and resourceful!! You two will be fine. It's great to know Who is really in control - and to learn so young that we are not. I'm thankful for the Peace I have knowing that you are trusting God and that He is watching over you.
Love Dad